Pirates League Blog
As we all know Disney is known for it’s hidden gems from the Dole Whips (okay not so hidden), to hidden Mickey’s, Ohana character breakfast, or the prime parade viewing in Liberty Square across from Ye Christmas Shoppe . They are the secret gems only the truest Disney fan knows about but they are experiences filled with every nugget of Disney Magic. Well today I’m going to let you know about another Disney hidden gem that has become my family’s ‘treasured’ (p’aaaarrrrrdon the pun) experiences. It’s Pirates League at the Magic Kingdom.So much hype in the Disney community exists for the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Yes this makeover venue is pixie dusted elegance and glamour at it’s best but there is another selection for those who want to be magically transformed. If ye dares……
Pirates League is located directly to the right of the queue line of Pirates of the Caribbean. Once you enter you are given your choices
of becoming any number of scary rough tough pirates or the friendly Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. For the ladies/girls in your party you become a dazzling Pirate Empress or mesmerizing Mermaid. There are ofcourse deluxe add-ons from costumes to t-shirts to make the transformation complete.
Once your selection has been made you will be ushered by a buccaneer or pirate wench to a room to use a special book and tool to determine what your pirate name would be. At the completion of the makeover you are given an authentic looking parchment with the pirate oath, declaring your given Pirate name, and signed by ‘Captain’ Jack Sparrow.
If you have selected an add-on you are shown a changing room in which you can change into your official pirate garb.
Your pirate guide may regal you with tales of ‘Captain’ Jack Sparrows adventures or there may be inquisitions into your new world tales of unfamiliar technology such as television, airplanes, or playstations. Pirates are unfamiliar with such crazy new world inventions and your child will be their informant educating the pirate guide of all the technological advances they are lacking being at sea. The conversational discourse between Pirate guide and child is insightful and entertaining and you as a parent can delight in sitting back to observe this marvelous adventure.
When a makeover is complete a child’s name and title is announced to the room and a the room breaks out into a hearty cheer for the new pirate joining the ranks.
Following this magical makeover the pirate guide then bestows on them the special tools of a pirate including a sash, bandana, and depending on the pirate guide your child may also receive the remaining palette of makeup and jeweled tattoos for the mermaid or empress makeovers.
The pirate is then taught the pirate oath and with raised hands and a hearty heart they pledge the oath and are thus officially assigned a prestigious new role as “pirate”.
Now that they are a pirate they are given secret passage into a hidden room for more treasures. For our adventure it was a pirate dubloon necklace in a treasure box my children had to discover in the hidden depths of this secret map room. This is the final step of the makeover and one is then ushered to a Pirate cashier where a transfer of pirate coin (credit card or cash) is used to pay for ye’ transformation.
There are often Photopass photographers near the sign for Pirates League to take pictures of your new scurvy mate to commemorate the magical moment. And if you time it right you can walk the plank across the courtyard to the Captain Jacks Pirate Tutorial where frequently Captain Jack Sparrow himself plucks the newly transformed shipmates to join his crew and learn the ways of sword fighting, fleeing trouble, or pledging the pirate oath.
For my girls this transformation allowed my glamorous fashionable 10 year old daughter to sparkle and shine with pixie dusted mermaid makeover and color changing jewelry (included in the makeover) and my tomboy 13 year old daughter to become a creepy pirate ghost (complete with skull makeup). This venue truly has something for everyone and I saw whole families getting in on the transformation fun. It is more budget friendly then Bibbidi Bobbidi with pricing starting at $39.95 and includes a swash buckling good time for the adventurer in all of us.
The packages include the following components:
The First Mate Package
• Facial makeup and hair to become Ghosted Pirate, Zombie, Captain Hook, Blackbeard or Black Eyed Jack
• Reversible bandana
• Earring and eye patch
• Sword and sheath
• The Pirates League bag
• Temporary tattoo
• Unique pirate coin necklace
• Official Pirate Name
• Personalized pirate oath
The Captain Hook Deluxe Package
• Captain Hook Costume (youth sizes only)
• Captain Hook facial makeup and hair
• Sword and sheath
• Bandana
• Earring and eye patch
• Pirate tattoo
• Pirate bag
• Unique coin necklace
• Toy hook
The Empress Package
• Vibrant makeup, lip gloss, nail polish and face gem
• Unique pirate coin necklace
• Temporary tattoo
• The Pirates League bag
• Official Empress Name
• Personalized pirate oath
The Mermaid Deluxe Package
• Mermaid costume (youth sizes only)
• Luminous mermaid makeup and makeup palette
• Mermaid hairstyle and color-changing hair clip
• Distinctive mermaid necklace
• Nail polish
• Mermaid sash
For more information visit : contact your friendly Travel Time Agent today!!!
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