
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kilimanjaro Safari Ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park in Florida

The feature ride as Disney's Animal Kingdom park at Walt Disney World is the Kilimanjaro Safari Ride.  It is really a must do for all ages of Disney guests.

I've ridden it many times over the years, and there has been some progression on the ride "story".  Originally it began as a tour through Africa and Asia (much like Jungle Cruise, that is possible at Disney within just a few minutes!) and there was a poaching threat that lead to the rescue of a baby elephant called "Red".  Red's Mother wasn't as lucky at first, and that apparently didn't sit well with Disney guests:)  Then it became a less violent poaching story. These days, the poachers are only mentioned in passing, just to say it used to be a problem, but all is well and baby Red is not a baby anymore!

The storyline was never all that important anyway, because the stars of this ride are the real live animals.  

One popular belief is that you should go first thing in the morning, as that is the best time to see active animals.  I don't follow this, as 1) it is a long ride and if you go first thing at open you will be walking off to lines on everything else; 2) I have always had excellent luck at various times of the day in viewing active animals.  Last week, we were on the safari around 11 AM, and it was one of the best yet!  

This cutie came right up to the vehicle

These birds cool off in the water, but can't fly if their wings are wet, so they spread them out in the sun to dry them

Hippo family

My favorites...the Nile Crocodiles.  Always fascinating!
These crocs were climbing all over each other!

Lots of giraffes were near

Including this adorable baby!

This elephant was eating

This one was drinking!

Flamingos take especially beautiful pictures

So, yes. I've included many pictures of the male lion.  He is quite fascinating. One year I got to see him perched up on a high rock, regally surveiling his territory, and probably itching to get at some of those cattle!  This trip, we saw him stretching and rolling around, which reminded me of one of my own lion like house cats.


* Use FastPass
* All ages can ride, but keep small children on the inside with adults on the outside of the seats
* Most of the best animal viewing can be found on the left. While the great photos of the giraffes are from the right, the majority of the others are from the left side of the ride vehicles
* The queue is shaded, so the wait isn't so terrible.  There is stroller parking in the ride queue.
* The row in which you sit doesn't really matter.  I wouldn't bother trying or waiting for first row (right behind the driver).  
*The Pangani Trail is in Africa and is quite near the ride exit, so its a natural progression into the trail to see a lot of other fascinating animals.

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