
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Adventure By Disney-Norway

Norway now ranks as one of the most beautiful ABD locations we've ever traveled to!  The fjords, waterfalls, landscape... everything was right out of a picture book.  Some of our favorite highlights were:

·         Bergen Exploration  We started our ABD a few days early on our own in Bergen.  This adorable sea side town is full of interesting things to see, do, and eat and it's a great place to settle in before your trip!
·         Voss River Rafting That water was COLD but luckily, ABD outfitted us with wet suits that kept us dry and warm!  Lots of fun making our way down the rapids together.  Scenery was amazing and it always feels good to get down and work a little for that adventure!
·         Fjord Safari  We suited up in dry suits, hats, gloves, and goggles (all courtesy of ABD) and headed out on RIB boats to explore the fjords.  Absolutely STUNNING and fun the entire way! Our boat driver stopped periodically to teach us about the topography as well as some Norwegian legends (watch for trolls!).  Midway through our fjord exploration, we stopped in the most quaint little town of Undredal for a town tour by one of the locals.  The Undredal Stave Church (smallest stave church in the world!) was a unique stop, and the lunch in Undredal was so good.  I chose reindeer meatballs and that was an excellent choice!  Luckily the weather held out most of the time, but even when we had some showers, our dry suits and goggles kept us plenty dry and warm for the last half of the fjord tour!
·         Kjenndalsbreen Glacier Bike Ride  Now, we don't ride bikes. Ever.  So any time there is a biking activity planned, ABD always has an alternate activity!  Our "home base" for the day was a lovely lodge called Kjenndalstova.  A restaurant at the end of a turquoise lake was the perfect setting for a day of options.  While the bikers headed out to visit a nearby glacier, the rest of us had fun options at the lodge like fishing, canoeing, kayaking, eating (!), endless hot chocolate, coffee, and tea, card games, and we even got to have fun on the motorboats.  The weather in Norway is always unpredictable and they have the saying "There's no bad weather, just bad clothing."  So we were prepared with rain jackets and warm clothes and with those, we were great the entire day! We thoroughly loved our stop at Kjenndalstova and can't recommend this beautiful place enough!
·         Borgund Stave Church We visited  this iconic stave church in Lærdal that provided inspiration to the filmmakers of Disney’s Frozen.  It was stunning and our local guide filled us in on some fascinating church history.  I always love visiting old churches especially... I imagine all of the people who have attended the church over time.
·         Westerås Farm We spent the morning on this family farm and learned all about traditional farming methods.  We even got to try our hand at cutting grass with the traditional sythe while hearing stories about the farmer's childhood doing the same thing.  We took a lovely hike to the cliff's edge which is fun, but it's even MORE fun when accompanied by the farmer's herd of goats!  Who else gets to say they've hiked with a farmer and his goats in Norway?!  Our lunch at the farm was delicious and local, and the rommegrot (Norwegian pudding) is something we still talk about to this day.  Imagine a warm, creamy custard, on top of which you get to sprinkle melted butter, cinnamon, and sugar.  You eat that top "layer" of sweet goodness, then repeat the butter/cinnamon/sugar layer again and again.  I still dream about that dish... and would go back to Norway just to eat that!

·       Norwegian Folk Dancing  I love how ABD always tries to incorporate cultural groups to dance, play music, etc.  These precious dancers entertained us with their talent and stories and I'm so glad we get a little snippet of historical Norwegian culture!


By: Heather Williams

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