
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Vacation in Peru...a review including Machu Picchu, Cusco, Ollanytaytambo, Lima and more!

We travelled to Peru in October 2012. After a 9 hour direct flight from SFO, we landed in Lima, Peru in the middle of the night, and got a room not too far away for just a few hours, as we had to be back at the airport around 6am for our flight to Cusco.  We stayed those few hours at Bed & Breakfast de Kike.  We booked a room that would accommodate the two if us, but we were offered a bigger room upon check in, which we declined. No sense in them cleaning a bigger room for the next guests when we would only be there a few hours. They do include breakfast, however, since we were checking out early, we were unable to try what they had to offer. Our driver picked us up at the airport, and he spoke English quite well. He was right on time, and had us back at the airport on time, as well. 

Once back at the airport, we checked in for our flight to Cusco with Star Peru airlines. I do have to add, some of the things we needed to book prior to leaving the US were VERY difficult to do. The flights with Star Peru being the most difficult of those things. After countless emails with the airline (whom did not speak English), the airline finally agreed to save our seats, and let us pay once we arrived at Lima airport months after booking. They also do not assign seating until you check in, so if you want to sit with the rest of your party, you need to arrive early.  The plane is little, and the flight is not as smooth as a larger plane. Thankfully, the flight is only about an hour and half.

Once we landed in Cusco, we met our driver to take us to Ollantaytambo (Sacred Valley). We had decided not to stay in Cusco just yet as Cusco has a much higher elevation than Ollantaytambo, and we were concerned with being able to adjust. We decided to start with low elevations, and work our way up. The drive to Ollantaytambo was about 1.5-2 hours if I recall. Most of the drive was scenic.

Once in Ollanytaytambo, we checked into Hostal Iskay, which was VERY easy to book with a small deposit made via PayPal. The family that operated the hostal were European. We had a fantastic view of the ruins right from our room and “patio”. Our room also had a sunroof, I am not sure if all rooms do. The rooms were spacious and the bathrooms were big.  I do remember the towels not being very soft. Another thing to note about travel in Peru, is conditioner is not commonly placed in bathrooms like soap or shampoo is, and is actually somewhat hard to find even in the towns, so be sure to pack some!

We explored a bit in town that day after a nap, and then went to see the ruins. Everything in town is within walking distance, I don’t think we ever got a ride anywhere unless we were going to another town. 

The ruins

Town from the ruins

The next day we did some shopping and explored town some more, trying not to over do ourselves for our big day the next day!

We dined at various places throughout our time in Ollantaytambo. We had breakfast daily at the hostal, which was included. It was very basic, so if you like a big breakfast, you may need to purchase something in town, too. We also had lunch/dinner at the hostal a few times (not included). I wish I could remember the names of everything we tried, but it was all very good and affordable. I know one night, I wasn’t feeling well, completely exhausted, and I just ordered some soup. I don’t even remember what kind it was, and it was green. But it was soooooo good, Totally hit the spot, and put me in a better mood. Almost instantly felt better.

In town, the two most notable restaurants were Puka Rumi & Orishas Café. We had lunch one day at Puka Rumi, and we were the only people in the restaurant. Once our food arrived (we both had lomo saltado, VERY good), the wait staff disappeared for the rest of our meal. Yup, we literally were the only ones there. We really could have just gotten up and left we waited for them to come back for so long, but of course we didn’t do that. It is typical in many countries in South America that once your food is delivered, that the wait staff not bother you. That means no checking in on you to see how meal is, etc. It is very different and not something we were use to, but it is customary in Peru. 

Pisco Sours from Puka Rumi

We had Orishas Café for dinner one night. The night was kind of chilly, and made the mistake of ordering a vanilla latte to warm me up. It was a very good latte, but I am too sensitive to caffeine and never went to sleep that night! I wish I could recall the name of the dish we had, I just remember mine was chicken, potato, and egg, and it was soooo good!! We love Peruvian food. It was very inexpensive. The restaurant walls are basically just windows, and it sits over a river/steam. Had the sun still been out, or dusk, I am sure the view would have been beautiful.  There was nobody working that night that spoke English, so I am unsure if that is always the case.

The next morning, we got up early (well, he did, I never slept), and walked to the train station.  This was another of the easier things to book, but not as easy as accommodations. We were traveling from Ollantaytambo with Peru Rail up to Aguas Calientes. The ride was about 2 hours, with breakfast included. Beautiful sights of the snow capped Andes Mountains. With Peru Rail, you are seated in the order you book. I am an early planner, so we happened to get front row on the way up! We had a HUGE window right in front of us, so no obstructed views. (Note: the train down fills up quite a bit faster than the train up, due to many travelers hiking the Inca Trail up the mountain and taking the train back).

Andes Mountains from the train

Once in Aguas Calientes, we had time to explore all the little shops before hopping on a bus up the rest of the mountain. The bus tickets are purchased on site, so no need to secure those ahead of time. The bus takes about 30 minutes to make it up the side of the mountain, and it is a very twisty journey. I was terrified the entire time!

But alas! We finally are off the bus and at the entrance to Machu Picchu! Tickets to enter Machu Picchu are also limited, so best to buy those in advance as well. This was another of the difficult things to book. For some reason, their website did not like my credit card or debit card at all, but we finally played around with my boyfriends, and success! We booked our tix early enough to also secure the even more limited pass to hike Huayna Picchu (more on that later).  All the difficult bookings, sleepless night, long flights/drives, and we are finally here! And let me tell you, Machu Picchu is so much more amazing in person. Pictures do not even come close to the beauty of this place. There were llamas various places napping and grazing, too.

It can get very hot being out there in the sun, and I did get sun burnt. But that wasn’t the worst that happened. I was advised ahead of time the importance of long pants/sleeves, and I followed that. Until I got too hot and removed the long sleeves. I was bitten by a few sand flies. We both were, but his bites went away fairly quickly. So please cover up and/or wear lots of bug spray! My bites lasted months, yes, months, needed steroidal cream to get rid of them. Machu Picchu includes LOTS of walking once there. Much of that walking is uphill, so be prepared and wear comfy shoes. Due to the elevation and my lack of sleep, I had absolutely no energy to hike Huayna Picchu. So we had to skip it! Bummer. Still kicking myself.

Just inside the gate of Machu Picchu is a little spot where you can stamp your passport with a Machu Picchu stamp, just a cute little token that you were there.  At the gates to Machu Picchu, there is a restaurant and a hotel. We stepped out of Machu Picchu temporarily to get something to get a snack/drink. Because it is the only restaurant there, you can imagine that the prices there were a bit higher than most other locations in town.  While we were there, it started to sprinkle a bit, so it was a nice little break from the heat.  Also be advised, the restrooms here charge for toilet paper! (And Peru doesn’t allow the flushing of toilet paper, you just throw it in the trash).
We explored Machu Picchu a bit more before getting back on that scary bus to head back down the mountain. Once we were back in Aguas Calientes, we purchased a few souvenirs (there are a ton being sold here). We also had dinner here, but neither of us were very impressed with our food.  So back on the train to go to Ollantaytambo for our last night. We were both so tired, we slept on the train. Our seats weren’t as good as the way up, this time we had a shared table with some others who had been combining their Peru trip with Ecuador/Galapagos.  It was nice hearing about their trip as we were dozing off.

Once we were off the train, I think we walked straight back to the hostal and crashed for the night. We got up in the morning, packed our things, checked out, and had a driver taking us back to Cusco.

Once we were dropped off in Cusco at Ninos Hotel. It is a lovely little boutique hotel that was founded to help feed less fortunate children. While we were still in our room, I realized that Hostal Iskay had over charged us by $30. I wrote them a quick email, letting them know, and next thing I know the front desk of Ninos Hotel was delivering a message that the Hostal called, and would be hand delivering our $30 later that day. I could not believe that, and certainly did not expect that! I just wanted them to know that there was an error, and since we paid cash, I knew they couldn’t reverse it to my card. 

We weren’t in our room long before heading out to explore Cusco. Cusco is a fabulous town, there is so much to explore.  There are lots of people walking around in the Plaza selling things, even pictures asking for money to take pictures with their little lambs (yes, I did it!).

Cusco has a lot more history to explore than Ollantaytambo. One of our favorite parts of the trip, other than Machu Picchu, was exploring was the Cusco Cathedral. It is absolutely breathtaking inside. Unfortunately, they do not allow pix inside the Cathedral. This was definitely the highlight of Cusco for us. There were several churches in Cusco to be explored, but by the time we finished with this one, the others were closed.

While in Cusco, or favorite meals were at Cicciolina. We ate their twice during our stay! The food is Italian, with a Perucian flare to it. The first time there, we ate near the bar. My boyfriend ordered his usual Corona, and then asked for lime and salt. The wait staff all watched him put the salt and lime, and then they commented that they had never seen anybody add salt or lime to their beer! Most everybody in the restaurant spoke English. We also tried the famous Pisco Sour here, in addition to many other places in Peru. Neither of us were fans of it, but we kept trying to hopefully find one we liked. Everybody raves about Pisco Sours, but they just weren’t for us.
After our short stay, in Cusco, we headed back to the airport to head for Lima. This time, we were not quick enough to check in with Star Peru, and we sat in two different aisles on the plane.  When we got to Lima, our driver was late picking us up. Once he arrived, he took our luggage and pretty much power walked to his car while we were trailing behind him to keep up. I had previously contacted our bed and breakfast, asking to add one night since our flight would be very late the next day. B&B Miraflores Wasi Independencia is where our reservations were, and they stated they only allowed 1 night stays, and recommended I transfer my reservation to their other property that does longer stays. No problem. I tried tell this to the driver, who refused, and took us to the original location of our reservation. On top of rushing, and being a terrible driver, the back seat of his car was covered in duct tape, which stuck to my pants. I was not a very happy lady when getting out of his car.

I spoke with the nice ladies at the bed & breakfast (who spoke perfectly good English), and they arranged for a different driver to pick us up and take us to the other location. Much better driver!!! However, the other property was completely unsatisfactory. This property was simply called B&B Miraflores Wasi, and I would never stay there again. The room was large, the bathroom tiny, and the shower never got warm water while I was in it that night (although it did the following morning when my boyfriend showered). The walls here were very thin. Being
upstairs, and with windows and doors closed, and could still fully hear people talking downstairs. I had been arranging for the front desk to send my duct tape covered pants out for cleaning, and then changed my mind since we were flying out the next day anyway. I went to the front desk to retrieve them, and they told me they had already sent them out (yet I could see them in a bag on the chair behind them!). I tried asking again, same response. So finally I let them know they were flat out lying, and that I could see them. After they turned them over to me, we went back to the room, to put them away, and head out to explore Lima.   
We walked to the shopping center that overlooks the coast, and decided we would come back that night to Mangos, so we made reservations at the check in desk. There was a specific table I saw that I wanted (#102), that looked semi secluded, yet had fantastic views, so we requested it. Sure enough when we came back, we were seated there. It was perfect! The food was so-so, but the views were amazing. I would go again just for the view.

view of the Lima coast from the restaurant

The next day, also our last day, we had breakfast at a little spot called Haiti. We had a simple American breakfast, which was like comfort food to us. It was just what we needed. The wait staff was also very friendly, and our waiter spoke English quite well. We then explored the Plaza in Lima. Since it was a Sunday, most of the Cathedrals were closed, so we didn’t get to go inside.  But even the outside of them were amazing. We saw the Cathedral that was home of Francisco Pizarro’s body (he conquered the Incas). We were also able to see the Government Palace, which is where their President lives.

We visited a little shopping area, I think it was called Mercados Inca, which is like a flea market so to speak. Tons of vendors, but we were really only looking for alpaca items at this point in our trip. We bought a 100% alpaca blanket & a few scarves (I still use them!). There is an ATM machine in this little market, too.
Once our shopping was complete, we headed back to our hotel to take a little nap, gathered our things, and headed for the airport to come home! 

We obviously had a few bumps on this trip, but we still had a fantastic time. This is the first time I think either of us visited a place that had so much history no matter where we went. It was also our first trip to a different continent.  

One other observation, I do not know if it is the destination, or the time of year we visited, but we did not see many tourist children, almost only adults. And I do not recall meeting any Americans other than one couple. There were lots of tourists of Europe and other parts of South America. Most establishments had at least basic English speaking staff, with few exceptions.  

I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you add Peru to your list of places to visit in your lifetime!

Let us make your vacation even easier!  We'll help you plan from the start and can advise you and handle your arrangements, including dining, fast passes, room requests, discount application, and celebrations.  We are the same price or less than if you book on your own, and you get us for FREE!  Have an expert on your side at zero cost to you and contact one of our agents today!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Cowfish at Universal Orlando Citywalk...Sushi and burgers?

NEW PHOTOS 5/2017 available HERE

What an odd concept.  Sushi and burgers, and truly, along with outrageous drinks, burgers and sushi are what are on the menu at The Cowfish.  Reservations are recommended if you know when you want to go.  With no reservations, during certain peak times you'll have to wait a bit.

It is a large restaurant that is funky and cool, and was our choice to celebrate a 21st birthday before heading to Halloween Horror Nights.  We decided to sit out on the covered outdoor area, and they gave us a great table that overlooked Citywalk.

The service was just okay.  Once we were sat it took a while for someone to take our drink orders, and a couple different people came over, saying our server was busy and they would help us, but then they'd never return.  We finally had drinks, and throughout the meal the service wasn't exactly bad, but it was not good either.  The server was friendly but mainly absent, and they were the only restaurant on the whole duration of our trip (Universal and Disney) that did nothing to recognize the birthday girl, despite it being her actual birthday, us telling them when we checked in for our reservation, her wearing a Universal birthday button and an "I'm 21 Today" shirt.

The drinks were both innovative and delicious.

Buffalos and Bacon

The prices seem to be an average of around $14 to $15 per entree, which wasn't out of line.  The appetizers we ordered were very tasty.

Here are our entrees.  All of the food was enjoyed, and the sweet potato fries were my favorite part.  Each member of our party enjoyed their food, and we had no complaints.

Bento Boxes

In summary, it is a fun restaurant to try, but I wouldn't choose it as a place to celebrate again, as they were lackluster about it.

By Lucy

Let us make your vacation even easier!  We'll help you plan from the start and can advise you and handle your arrangements, including dining, fast passes, room requests, discount application, and celebrations.  We are the same price or less than if you book on your own, and you get us for FREE!  Have an expert on your side at zero cost to you and contact one of our agents today!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Returns to Walt Disney World Resort Nov. 8

From live entertainment and spectacular fireworks to festive décor and an oh-so-jolly parade, Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party offers magic, cheer and enchantment for Guests of every age. Here’s a look at some of the fun your Clients will experience at this annual yuletide after-hours event:

Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmastime Parade
It’s a holiday parade brimming with cheer! Gingerbread men, elves and others dance down Main Street, U.S.A. with favorite Disney Characters. Plus, Santa joins in the fun to wish Guests a "Merry Christmas!" from his colorful sleigh!

Holiday Wishes: Celebrate the Spirit of the Season
Brilliant white lights explode in the air above Cinderella Castle in this breathtaking music and fireworks show.

Castle Dream Lights on Cinderella Castle
As a gift to Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother waves her wand, and with a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo enchants the castle with sparkling white lights. Magnificent icicles seem to form instantly over the parapets and towers of the royal palace, as the lights wink and shimmer to a medley of heartwarming Disney tunes.

A Totally Tomorrowland Christmas!
Buzz Lightyear, Mike Wazowski and Stitch fight holiday doldrums across the galaxy in this jolly musical revue chock full of the coolest dance numbers.

Celebrate the Season Show
‘Tis the season to give gifts, and Mickey’s present to Minnie is not to be missed! Goofy, Donald and others get into the holiday spirit with their own version of The Nutcracker in this jubilant musical spectacle.
And More!
  • Meet-and-greet opportunities with favorite Disney Characters
  • Complimentary cookies and hot cocoa
  • A magical snowfall on Main Street, U.S.A.
Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party takes place from 7 p.m.-12 a.m. at Magic Kingdom Park on Nov. 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 29, Dec. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 18, 2015. or 1-855-468-8896

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Disney Parks is saluting U.S. military personnel in 2016 by offering special ticket and room prices

U.S. Military members, including active and retired members of the United States Coast Guard, National Guard and Reservists or their spouses, can purchase the tickets and rooms.

Walt Disney World Resort

At Walt Disney World Resort – from September 25, 2015 through December 16, 2016, active and retired U.S. military personnel (including active and retired members of the United States Coast Guard, National Guard and Reservists) or their spouses can purchase:
Disney 4-Day Military Promotional Tickets with Park Hopper Option for $196 each, plus tax
Disney 4-Day Military Promotional Tickets with Water Park Fun and More Option for $196 each, plus tax
Disney 4-Day Military Promotional Tickets with Park Hopper and Water Park Fun and More Options for $230 each, plus tax.
Walt Disney World Resort tickets may be used January 3, 2016, through December 19, 2016, except that the tickets may not be used March 20, 2016 – April 1, 2016.
Active and retired U.S. military personnel can purchase Disney Military Promotional Tickets for themselves and up to five additional family members or friends. No more than six Disney Military Promotional Tickets may be purchased by any eligible member of the U.S. military (or spouse) pursuant to this offer. All tickets and options are non-transferable and must be used by December 19, 2016.

Disneyland Resort

At the Disneyland Resort – from October 12, 2015 through December 16, 2016, active and retired U.S. military personnel (including active and retired members of the United States Coast Guard, National Guard and Reservists) or their spouses can purchase:

Disney Military Promotional 3-Day Park Hopper Tickets for $143 each

Disneyland tickets may be used January 3, 2016, through December 19, 2016, except that the tickets may not be used March 20, 2016– April 1, 2016.

Active and retired U.S. military personnel can purchase Disney Military Promotional Tickets for themselves and up to five additional family members or friends. No more than six Disney Military Promotional Tickets may be purchased by any eligible member of the U.S. military (or spouse) pursuant to this offer. All tickets and options are non-transferable and must be used by December 19, 2016.

 Active and retired U.S. military personnel can also take advantage of specially priced rooms at select Walt

Disney World and Disneyland Resort hotels.* This offer is valid for stays most nights from January 3, 2016, through December 19, 2016, except for:

March 20, 2016 – April 1, 2016

For information on Disney 4-Day Military Promotional Tickets for admission to Walt Disney World Resort, or to make room reservations at Walt Disney World Resort, military personnel may call 407-939-7830 or participating U.S. military base ticket offices. For information regarding Disney 3-Day Military Promotional

Tickets for admission to the Disneyland Resort, or to make room reservations at the Disneyland Resort, military personnel may call 714-520-7088 or participating U.S. military base ticket offices..

Here are some other details you should know about:

Disney Military Promotional Tickets may be purchased at participating U.S. military sales outlets ONLY by Eligible Service Members (defined below) or their spouses (but not both), for use by themselves and other family members and friends, as provided herein. These Tickets may not be otherwise transferred, distributed or resold.

“Eligible Service Members” are active or retired members of the U.S. military, including the National Guard, Reservists and the U.S. Coast Guard.

The actual prices charged at the individual U.S. military base ticket offices for Disney Military Promotional Tickets may be less than the prices set forth above.

Participating military sales outlets must require that Eligible Service Members (or their spouses) present valid military identification to purchase Disney Military Promotional Tickets.

Disney 4-Day Military Promotional Tickets for admission to the Walt Disney World Resort are not valid until activated by the Eligible Service Members (or their spouses) at Walt Disney World theme park ticket windows. Tickets and options expire and may not be used after December 19, 2016. Valid military identification will be required for purchase and use.

Disney 3-Day Military Promotional Tickets for admission to the Disneyland Resort expire and may not be used after December 19, 2016. Valid military identification will be required for purchase and use.

No more than six (6) Disney Military Promotional Tickets may be purchased and (if applicable) activated by any Eligible Service Member or spouse (regardless of the place of purchase and whether purchased by that person or that person’s spouse). In addition, one of the six (6) Tickets purchased must be used by the Eligible Service Member or his/her spouse.

Each Disney Military Promotional Ticket must be used by the same person on any and all days.

*The number of rooms allocated for this offer is limited. Minimum length of stay requirements may apply. Valid Military ID will be required upon check-in, and military member (or spouse) must stay in the room. No group rates or other discounts apply. Advance reservations required. Additional per-adult charges apply at the Walt Disney World Resort if there are more than two adults per room. Other restrictions apply.

*Information provide by Disney

*The number of rooms allocated for this offer is limited. Minimum length of stay requirements may apply. Valid Military ID will be required upon check-in, and military member (or spouse) must stay in the room. No group rates or other discounts apply. Advance reservations required. Additional per-adult charges apply at the Walt Disney World Resort if there are more than two adults per room. Other restrictions apply. 

Please contact your Disney Military Specialist today at

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


After reading countless blogs and Facebook posts about whether or not Cinderella's Royal Table is worth it or not, regarding pricing, and the fact that this restaurant requires 2 table service credits, I decided to
examine this issue myself!
Keep in mind that this post is my personal opinion, and is nothing more nothing less, those of you who value my opinion, here it is:)
My daughter and I made the trek in the pouring rain, thunder and lightning , towards the castle, bursting with excitement , because we were off to have dinner in the castle, THE CASTLE!! The one and only, Cinderella's castle in the middle of the magic Kingdom!!
I have to say that even as a little girl, my mother said that you could just walk through, the castle, that there is nothing in there, it was just a prop! Even then I dreamed of what might be up there, and now, 42 years old, I finally have a royal invitation ,along with my daughter, Sydney, to dine at the castle , like royalty, with all of the other lucky Ladies and Lords of the Royal Court!
We checked in at 5 minutes before 7, and were immediately led down the hallway, where we were to meet the lovely Cinderella in all of her beauty! She so lovingly and sweetly walked up to greet, every person, young or old,and knelt down to each and every small child , hugs were served freely, taking a minute or 2 to talk with each one, taking them by the hand and leading them to the backdrop to have their picture made, and autograph signed! 

At this point, trying to get my shirt signed,I got starstruck, dropping my sharpie twice, as the fair Cinderella said to me, "it's ok! I've been excited to meet you too!"
After your picture is taken by the professional photographer , you are invited to wait until your name is called to go up the staircase to Cinderella's Royal Table!
This was one of my favorite times, people watching, seeing the look on everyone's faces as they get their chance to meet Cinderella! 

The bells ring and suddenly we hear, "SMITH PARTY, Her Royal Highness has extended her Royal invitation !
Hearts skip a beat and we are led up the staircase to the beautiful dining room, encircled with stained glass windows, grand chandeliers, Royal wallpaper , and we are seated and presented our menu smile emoticon.

Sydney and I opted for the crawfish, shrimp and grits for our appetizer, and the steak and shrimp was our main course , and for dessert, I had the clock strikes twelve while Sydney chose the dessert trio .I must say that I enjoyed this meal more than any other meal while at Disney hands down! It was absolutely delicious !
During our meal, there would be a short version of each fairy tale and an introduction of another princess, who would wisk out into the dining room and make her rounds to visit with each and every table, take photos and sign autographs , never making us feel rushed or silly for being adults! I honestly felt as if I were 4 yrs old and had so much fun feeling that way!

We met Aurora, Snow White, Jasmine, Ariel, and of course, Cinderella!
Our server was very attentive and took care of every detail of our meal, she was friendly and I appreciated her service.
As for the price and 2 table credits, considering that it is a character meal, the food was delicious , 5 princesses,and gratuity is included in the price. I spent 20-40 dollars on gratuity on every single meal while at Disney , my vote .....
Cinderella's Royal Table.....

 Contact your Travel Time Agent today !

Disney Cruise Line Unveils Ports and Itineraries for Early 2017

Today Disney Cruise Line revealed that in early 2017they will return to popular destinations in the Caribbean and Bahamas. 

Most cruises will feature a stop at Castaway Cay, our private island paradise reserved exclusively for Disney Cruise Line guests.

For the first part of the year, they will continue sailing from Port Canaveral and Miami, in addition to cruises from San Juan, Puerto Rico and Galveston, Texas. 
Bookings open to the public on October 8, 2015. Keep reading for more details, and check out Travel Time Facebook Page! 

San Juan and Galveston
From San Juan, the Disney Magic sets sail on four seven-night cruises to the Southern Caribbean. Departing April 9, 16, 23 and 30, this limited-time engagement includes calls on Barbados, St. Lucia, Martinique, Antigua and St. Kitts.

The Disney Wonder completes a season in Galveston with two seven-night Bahamian voyages to Key West, Castaway Cay and Nassau on January 6 and 13. From there, the ship embarks on a six-night journey to San Juan on January 20 with stops in Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Falmouth, Jamaica.

On January 26, a three-night cruise aboard the Disney Wonder takes guests from San Juan to Port Canaveral, just an hour away from Walt Disney World Resort – the perfect stop for a fairytale land-and-sea adventure.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Disney Visa Play, Stay and Dine Package Offer

The percentages off seem to be a little different this time around.  For example, the Grand Floridian is only 15% off, and the Fort Wilderness Cabins are 20% off.  Normally deluxes are higher, so this is a change.

LIVE RIGHT NOW Disney Visa cardholders get a discount on a vacation package of at least 3 night minimum that includes a dining plan and at least 2 day tickets. You must check in between 12/13/15 to 12/19/15 or 1/2/16 to 3/7/16 to be eligible for this offer.  DISCOUNT IS LIVE RIGHT NOW.

This offer will become available to the general public on Monday, September 28, 2015. If you don’t have a Disney Visa card but want to get a jump on getting this offer, you can contact a Travel Time agent and no matter what time zone we will be up bright and early to get you the best price possible!

Offer excludes Villas at Grand Floridian, Bay Lake Tower, Bungalows at Polynesian Bungalows & Villas, Little Mermaid rooms at Art of Animation Resort, Port Orleans French Quarter, campsites and 3-bedroom villas. Port Orleans Riverside is excluded in December 2015. As with all Disney promotional discounts, some resorts, room types and date combinations will not be available. It’s important to be flexible if you want to book a discounted room. You must make an immediate deposit using a Disney Visa card when booking this offer.  If you have an existing reservation, you just have to HAVE a Disney Visa card.

Disney Visa Late Winter Package Offer

LIVE RIGHT NOW  Disney Visa cardholders get a discount on the room portion of a Magic Your Way Vacation Package of 2 nights minimum, for stays between 1/2/16 to 4/13/16.
This offer will become available to the general public on Monday, September 28, 2015. If you don’t have a Disney Visa card but want to get a jump on getting this offer, contact a Travel Time agent for help!

In the past room discounts of around 10%-15% for Value resorts, 15% to 20% for Moderate resorts and 25 to 30% for Deluxe resorts are typical. They seem to be different this time.

Offer excludes Villas at Grand Floridian, Bay Lake Tower, Bungalows at Polynesian Bungalows & Villas, Little Mermaid rooms at Art of Animation Resort, campsites and 3-bedroom villas. As with all Disney promotional discounts, some resorts, room types and date combinations will not be available. It’s important to be flexible if you want to book a discounted room. You must make an immediate deposit using a Disney Visa card when booking this offer if you are booking before the general public.

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Osborne Lights At Disney’s Hollywood Studios Are Done

The rumors are now true - Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights 2015 is the last year. Disney has announced that this will be the 20th and final year for the lights at Disney’s Hollywood Studios as construction begins on Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land expansions

Disney Blog: As you plan ahead, we also wanted you to know that this holiday season will mark the finale for The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights. The display of lights has enjoyed a successful run at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, going all the way back to when it first appeared on Residential Street.

In order to prepare for some incredible experiences coming to the park, including the recently announced Toy Story Land and a Star Wars-themed land, we will not be able to present The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights in the future. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the family of Jennings Osborne for letting us share their family tradition year after year. And thank you to all of you for being part of the spectacle with us. Here’s to making more memories in this, the 20th and final year.

This announcement was made in preparation for two new offerings coming to the Osborne Lights for this final season.

Two more options for holiday fun at Walt Disney World Resort will soon be available to book: the Merry & Bright Dessert Party (Nov. 6-Dec. 30) and the Merry & Bright Dinner Reception (Jan. 1- 3), both overlooking The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
With the dessert party, guests will enjoy holiday-themed desserts while surrounded by the amazing light display. New for 2015 is a dinner reception Jan. 1 – 3, featuring a selection of small bites including beef, shrimp and turkey, plus wine, beer and specialty beverages. You’ll be able to book these experiences beginning Sept. 16,so be sure to check with our Travel Time Agents to help plan yours! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

MNSSHP 2015 Map and Events in Walt Disney World

CONTACT your Travel Time agent today for tickets!
Mickey’s Boo To You Halloween Parade – 8:35 p.m., 11:15 p.m.
Celebrate the Magic – 9:45 pm.
Happy HalloWishes – 10 p.m.
Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular – 8 p.m., 9:40 p.m., 10:20 p.m., 12 a.m.
Cadaver Dans (Frontierland and Liberty Square) – 7:15 p.m., 8 p.m., 9:15 p.m., 10:15 p.m., 10:50 p.m.
Tomorrowland Monstrous Dance Party – 7 p.m. – 12 a.m.

Emporium – Event T-shirt and MagicBand
Mickey’s Star Traders – Event T-shirt
Box Office Gifts – MagicBand
Frontier Trading Post – Trading pins

Treat Areas
Jungle Cruise
Enchanted Tiki Room
Pirates of the Caribbean

Splash Mountain
Tom Sawyer Island Dock (featuring Peeps)

Liberty Square
Liberty Square Riverboat

Peter Pan’s Flight
Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid (Featuring Werthers Candy)
Pete’s Silly Sideshow
Trail from Barnstormer to Space Mountain

Space Mountain (featuring Ocean Spray Craisins)
Tomorrowland Speedway
Stitch’s Great Escape
Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress

Character Locations
Main Street USA
City Hall – Unknown
Town Square Theater – Mickey Mouse and Tinker Bell

Across the Bridge – Tarzan and Friends
Swiss Family Treehouse area – Aladdin and Friends
Magic Carpet meet area – Jafar
Pirates of the Caribbean – Jack Sparrow

Chip n Dale’s meet area – unconfirmed

Liberty Square
Princess Tiana
3 Unknown meet areas marked on map

Fairytale Garden – Merida
Fairytale Hall – Anna & Elsa, Cinderella & Rapunzel (no Princes)
Behind Carousel – Snow White and Princess Aurora (no Princes)
Fantasyland Wall – 7 Dwarfs
Mad Tea Party – Alice and Friends
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh – Pooh and Friends
Gaston’s Tavern – Gaston
Ariel’s Grotto – Ariel
Storybook Circus Tent – Jack and Sally
Barnstormer – Goofy
Storybook Circus Train Station – Cruella DeVil
One other Storybook meet – 2014 was Donald & Daisy, Minnie

Next to Carousel of Progress – Buzz & Lotso

Main Street USA
Main Street Bakery
Plaza Ice Cream Parlor
Casey’s Corner

Aloha Isle

Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe
Westward Ho

Liberty Square
Sleepy Hollow
Liberty Square Market
Columbia Harbor House

Pinocchio Village House
The Friar’s Nook
Storybook Treatst
Gaston’s Tavern

Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe
Cool Ship
The Launching Pad

Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom

Swiss Famiy Treehouse
The Magic Carpets of Aladdin
A Pirate’s Adventure

Splash Mountain
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Country Bear Jamboree

Liberty Square
Haunted Mansion

it’s a small world
Peter Pan’s Flight
Mickey’s Philharmagic
Prince Charming Regal Carrousel
Enchanted Tales with Belle
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Mad Tea Party
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train
Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid
Dumbo the Flying Elephant
The Barnstormer

Tomorrowland Speedway
Space Mountain
Astro Orbitor
Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover
Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin
Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor
Stitch’s Great Escape

Sunday, September 6, 2015

New and Top Things to Do at Disney World's Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party 2015, as well as a little Strategy

We've written before about the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, an event I consider Disney's best for the year.  There are certain things that are favorites from the years past.  In addition, there are a few new fun items to mention, so get ready to be not scared!

The party hours are 7 PM to midnight.  With your party ticket, you can actually enter the park at 4 PM or after, giving you some extra park time.  I always suggest dining early on these nights.  Do you really want to pay almost $80 for a ticket then spend an hour and a half of the party at a restaurant?  So plan accordingly.  I typically dine at 4 or 5, then I'm ready to go earlier than the party starts.  You can also choose to forgo a lengthy sit down meal and just use quick service, or snack all night.  There are plenty of fun, party only goodies to snack on!

If you aren't going to the party, any dinner reservation you have must begin BEFORE 7 PM.  If it is at 6:55 you are golden.  Go eat, and when you are done, you'll have to leave, because cast members will check for wristbands at the entrance to every ride, and along the parade route.  It is extremely difficult to stay without a party ticket, and boring, since you can't do anything.  In many cases, a cast member from the restaurant will actually escort you out.

Characters that normally don't make an appearance are in attendance, and many are in costume.  You'll see Lady Tremaine and the Stepsisters, the Fab Five all in costume, and many other surprise characters. The Villains are out in force, many of whom you can't catch any other time.  The coolest thing in my opinion is getting a photo opportunity with all seven dwarfs!

The Boo To You Parade, which occurs twice each evening, is a must do.  MUST.

 It is so much fun, with the best floats and awesome music.  Watch carefully at the beginning, because the Headless Horseman comes out flying by on horse, and is easy to miss because he's fast. I dare you to get a clear photo.

Notably, the Haunted Mansion characters are wonderful, the dancers will enchant you and they even have a real hound dog!  In addition the Villains segment is fun, and will have you dancing to the music even if you fight against it.

Parade strategy?  Many people swear by going to the second parade, because it is "less crowded."  Personally, I find that it doesn't matter, because no matter what, if you want a good spot, you need to get it at least an hour ahead.  And if I attend the second parade, afterwards it is so late that it feels like the night is almost over.  For some reason, going to the first one gives me the illusion of lots of time afterwards.  If you sit on Main Street, especially the hub, get a spot an hour and 15 minutes prior to start time.  Tip...the parade is coming from Frontierland and Liberty Square, so if you sit a ways from the castle on the right side (facing) then you'll see the floats coming with the castle in the background!  Fun.

The Villains Mix and Mingle show is fun.  Of course, I know the song by heart...but even if you are a newbie, you'll really enjoy it.  I find Jafar's head bobbing around while he dances to be quite amusing...I bet you will too!  And you even get a glimpse of the Queen of Heart's unmentionables (gasp!).  After, a few select Villains will come out in front of the castle for photos and autographs.

Hallowishes is the best.  The BEST.  Fireworks show Disney has.  Certain parts are 360 degrees, and they'll surround the park.  The music is awesome. It is not to be missed and only happens once during the party!

View of Hallowishes as seen from the Grand Floridian

There is a new interactive feature this year, called Minnie Mouse's Costume Chaos.  Minnie, Daisy Duck and Clarabelle the cow dress as witches, and you can get a card to play the interactive game only at the party.  This is like the Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom, but just for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party guests.

As far as the treat trails, meh. I mean, if you are passing by, go for it.  But I always tell my kids if they don't get enough candy I'll buy them a freaking bag at the end of the night.  They always have enough, and I am not going to spend precious party time standing in line for candy when I can be riding Splash Mountain four times in a row.

The dance parties are fun, especially for little kids.  Once my daughter danced with Donald Duck dressed in a pumpkin costume for at least 30 minutes, mostly by herself (that would be rare).  She was Cinderella, and boogying like she'd danced all her 3 years of life.  It was one of the most adorable memories we have of all the times we've gone to Disney.

As far as costumes go, don't feel pressured.  There are plenty of guests that don't dress up, or just stick a Halloween pair of Mickey ears on.  Some just have special tshirts.  Some go all out! It is the one time a year that adults can dress in costume (other than the 24 hour event which isn't guaranteed each year).  Personally, I'm attempting to find a seamstress to make me a Haunted Mansion tightrope umbrella girl costume, wish me luck.  For kids though, costumes are a must.  Sometimes the cast members will ask those in costume to sign an autograph book.

Photos by the Photopass Cast Members should be taken advantage of here, especially with the Castle backdrop.  It is worth the expense.  They are expert shots and there are places around the park where you'll have private photos with amazing backgrounds, and no other people.

 Cinderella's carriage is decked out in lights and pumpkins for photos, but be aware that line can get very long.  Photographers will also take photos of you using your own camera, so remember that!  Just ask nicely and they are happy to do it.

You can also get photos with hitchiking ghosts.  As you can probably imagine, the Haunted Mansion is a popular attraction at these parties, and for a better reason that it is just scary and goes with a Halloween theme.  It is surrounded by fog, and you'll meet a ghost that talks to everyone out front.  Sometimes she makes sense, sometimes she doesn't.  And photos are great with the black hearse.  Don't miss the mansion!  Semi new to Magic Kingdom is a shop for Haunted Mansion merchandise, called Memento Mori.  Stop by and find park exclusive Haunted Mansion goodies!

This party is my favorite and will most likely always be.

Travel Time Travel